Monday, November 16, 2009

Working for a living sucks...

Man I hate working for a living...

It sucks to come home from a 12 hr day, and try to write your night away. As you all know, once you get into the grove time slips away so rapidly I tend to believe in time travel.

I can only dream one day I can make my career in writing. then 8 hrs of writing will drift away so fast that it will not be work. And that is all I really need to fill successful. Doing what I love when I want to do it.
What is better than that?

I know you all feel my pain in one way or another, plz share your exp...

On a side note, when did you know you wanted to be a writer? Or how did you set your mind to becoming an author and setting you mind to never giving up and always striving to be a writer no matter what happens or who said you couldn't or shouldn't be one...

Thx for any thoughts you share...


  1. I do know what it's like to work full time and write. I've known I wanted to be a writer since I was thirteen. Just about twenty-nine years (as of Thursday) and counting.

  2. I wrote my first play at five--and though it was terribly, it was pretty good for a five-year-old's. I still own a few other attempts made somewhere between 1st and 3rd grade...all terrible and brilliant at the same time.

    I teach for a living, and I love my job, so I can't say I've felt your pain that frequently. The worst I've experienced was earlier this fall, when I was teaching 25-30 hours/week online, and I didn't even want to look at my computer afterwards. But I don't have that problem anymore.

    Even if I were to write "full-time," I would likely never give up teaching. I need it almost as much as I do my writing, and except for the grading I love every minute of it.

  3. Well, it is certainly easier to be a writer now than 30 years ago. Back then you had to be "published" to be a writer.

    I would send in a manuscript, wait 3 to 6 weeks for an answer, and then have to re-type the whole thing before sending it out again because some editor wrote all over it or spilled coffee or whatever.

    Now, you just publish your blog and it stands on its own.

    Your blog stands tall.
