Monday, October 26, 2009

What kind of writer are you?

What kind of writer are you?

Are you a Planer/Organizer Do you plan out your book, do you make character and scene cards? Do you outline chapters and Blur before writing? Is a schedule of tasks the first thing you compile before beginning to write?


Are you an intuitive writer? Where planning and organizing hinders the witting process. Are you a mess of a writer, where you start in one scene and jump around in and out of chapters like it makes sense? Do you just write and worry about editing later. Do you write without a plan or idea of where you’re heading. Does the story takes shape as you write it?

I am an intuitive writer. If I try and plan anything it ends up being a waste of time. Because the book turns and follows a path I can’t control the story takes shape as I write and leads me down the road of discovery. Where I meet new characters and new plot twist as I go.

Thx for reading and for any response you might leave….


  1. I'm usually a planner, even if my "plan" is a three-step process, as it was with my second novel, where I knew the book had three parts and I roughly knew who all the characters were.

    On the other hand, I can get as OCD as to have a 15-page single-spaced outline. I can't say I ever write anything without a good idea of where it's headed and what the ending will be. Usually I even know what theme or themes I'm working with, what issues in my life I'm dredging through.

  2. thx for taking the time to reply.

  3. Not me, I'm intuitive.

    An idea for a novel often comes from a hook or a particularly scenario I find particularly compelling. Sometimes, the appropriate characters leap out at me and I hunker down and start writing (incorporating the scene, but having no real plan otherwise) or, I let it "stew" - write down what I want and leave it alone.

    Novels with progress usually happen when I usually spend some time figuring out exactly what characters I want to play with and what setting would do them justice. If the idea were generated with a scenario, I will try to keep it; however, a significant amount of the time, it doesn't work in the finished product. Ironic, no?

    In both cases, characters and environment/setup are crystal clear in my mind, but plot is almost always an unknown. It probably won't surprise you to find that plot is not my strong suit.

  4. I am a planner but that is why things never make it from my head to the written page. I think about the story or paper a lot before I write anything down. If I can't plan a loose beginning middle and end I usually don't start writing, except with poetry. I think I am going to take a new approach though and type all that I am thinking out and then make it into a story.

  5. sounds good. i write my head off then go back and make it make sense and bring it to life. i want to get my story down as fast as posible so the background is there to work with later on...
